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Tag: peach trees

Ordering Bareroot Trees: What to Expect

Mail-Order Trees: Who Would Have Thunk? Ordering bareroot trees is to Tom as ordering books is to Oprah. I love trees, especially unusual fruit trees, sometimes forgotten...

Nanaimo Peach Tree: Winner in the Maritime Northwest

Spend a few minutes on my blog perusing summer posts, and you'll easily grasp my love of growing and eating fresh fruit, and note...
peach with a nose

Avalon Pride: Sweet Peach With a Nice Nose

Peach fuzz and big noses: comparative profile analysis. Peach harvest was a bust this year; of seven varieties of leaf curl resistant peach trees only...

Peach Tree Report 2010: Neither Peachy, Nor Keen

Growing Puget Sound Peaches:  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly After trying to grow peaches this year, I think I may turn to something...
sliced peaches Indian Free

Indian Free Peach Delicious, Unique on All Levels

Indian Free Peach: Now here's a peach that pushes the envelope on being a peach. I first discovered it in my research to find another...