Tag: Lilies
Bulb Auger: Easy Way to Plant Bulbs
If my garden were a banquet table, I would concede that sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. I dine and garden...
Best Plants for Pollinators: Tips and Regional Guides
Plants for Pollinators, Info for Gardeners
No doubt, I am the largest, most flightless, furless bumblebee around, but a man's got to do what a...
Flower Aristocracy: Grand Dames of the Garden
Regale Lily, one of my favorite flowers, beautiful, fragrant and easy to grow.
As a guest speaker at the Vashon Island Garden Tour, I'm about...
Introducing Orienpet Lily: Garden Star — Va Va Va Voom!
My two-year-old stand of Satisfaction Orienpet lilies in late July
My days as a plant snob are over. There's room in my garden for both...
Trumpet & Oriental Lilies: Perfection in Bloom
Lilies Are the Whole Flower Package: Beauty, Fragrance and Strength
The phrase to gild the lily says it all. Why would anyone attempt to improve or adorn something that...