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Tag: cherries

Sweet Cherry Pickles: Flavorful Tickles

  I must confess, I get a very big kick out of an official moniker bestowed  upon me each year, or at least for as...
berry picking bucket raspberries

How to Make a Berry Picking Bucket

DIY Berry Picking Bucket Video [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fryr8HNiFJo] A bountiful morning when you have the right tools. Berry (and cherry) picking is serious business; you pick a few, eat...

Rainier Cherries Crown This Cake

In far-off Minnesota, my favorite blogging baker and bon vivant, Eileen of Passions to Pastry, posted a recipe that called to me: rustic rhubarb - almond cake....

5 Things I Learned This Week: Entry 1

Lesson 1: Early mornings can be magical. The clock reveals an early hour, and yet I feel rested. Birds court through song. Boz snores deeply...

Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries

Stella Cherries: the before picture; the after, no so pretty.  Metaphors come in all shapes and sizes (as do cliches), and this morning one of my favorites...