Home Tomagrams When My Coffee Cup Takes a Walk

When My Coffee Cup Takes a Walk


coffee cup found on a fence post

One down, five to find. Judging by its contents, some creepy crawlers take their coffee with cream and sugar, too.

I like old coffee cups, the chubby ceramic kind well suited for a beverage called Joe. When daylight and I are on the same schedule, I usually take a brief stroll, coffee cup in hand as I remind Boz and Gracie that there is a purpose to this abbreviated walk. I’ve yet to find a word (and there are quite a few available) that connects my voice with their brain and elicits the intended response. Good thing they’re cute.

So today when my cupboard was bare of coffee cups, I had an inkling of where to look: down the lane on any number of old cedar fence posts–each a perfect coffee table and place to plead one’s case that sniffing is not the only thing on the morning agenda.


  1. Oh, my! We take that morning stroll too; it’s the best part of the day, don’t you think? Trouble is we don’t have beautiful moss-covered cedar posts here. But we do have river rocks and porch steps and…

  2. I love this post; it’s a far more romantic picture of the glasses and cups I leave around my house. How much more sweet this vision of leaving them on posts as I survey the land.

    Very poetic.


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