Spring in My Step: Putting Hibernation to Bed

Honeycomb, pea starts, and a little luck
Fresh start: honeycomb, pea vines, and a little luck…

The robins, crows, tree frogs and barred owls, raucous little alarm clocks that they are, have sounded off to alert me that winter is officially over, and it’s time to leave the comfort of my cave (both figuratively, and literally). I’m not one to argue with Mother Nature, so may I be the first to wish you well on this first day of spring, the vernal equinox.

While I make myself presentable (this may take awhile) and wipe the long winter’s sleep from eyes, please enjoy some of my favorite photos of spring around Tall Clover Farm.

I’ll be right back.

At The Roasterie: Coffee break for Tom and “pet-us” break for Boz and Gracie
Room with a view both inside and out
Abstract nature: Camellia petals at Magnolia Beach
Boz and Gracie: Taking time to smell (or perhaps eat) the daffodils
Boz supervises all things greenhouse; make that ALL things, period.
A sunrise worth waking up for…


  1. Happy Spring, Tom
    I love your spring photos. It doesn’t look very springlike here–still piles of snow everywhere, but I did manage to get out and start cutting back some perennials and I set up cold frames to thaw the soil and it was all WONDERFUL! Felt SO good to get back to “puttering” outside.
    Have a wonderful first day of spring!

  2. Here is a poem by Emily Dickinson that I fell relates to your Spring Morning.
    Dawn Song

    The birds begun at four o’clock—
    Their period for dawn—
    A music numerous as space
    And measureless as noon.

    I could not count their force,
    Their voices did expend
    As brook by brook bestows itself
    To magnify the pond.

    Their witnesses were not,
    Except occasional man
    In homely industry arrayed
    To overtake the morn.

    Nor was it for applause
    That I could ascertain,
    But independent ecstasy
    Of Deity and Men.

  3. Thank you for the beautiful photos and reminding me of what spring looks like! Glad you are back and looking forward to a spring and summer of visits to Vashon, via Tom.


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