Bulldog Wisdom: The World According to Boz


He’s not just a pretty face. My English Bulldog Boz also seems to have all the answers; and so I feel it is my duty as his wingman to share some of his bulldog wisdom, and perhaps further the cause of mankind. We need all the help we can get. Yep, everything I need to know, I learned from a bulldog.

1. No one ever need apologize for taking a nap.

Boz the
Boz: “Uh, what are you lookin’ at?”

2. An apple a day keeps the veterinarian away.

English bulldog Boz in the apple orchard
Apples, apples good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you…

3. Real dogs cuddle.

bulldogs napping
Gracie: “Boz, is something wrong with your own bed?

4. Take time to smell the roses, and the lilies, and the…

Bulldog marked with pollen.jpg
Boz as the world’s largest bumblebee.

5. Stand your ground; no one likes to be rushed.

bulldog on the stairs
Bulldog back-up on the stoop.

6. Comfort should not be denied.

bulldog on pillow
Cloud 9 and step on it!

7. All you need is love.

boz love
A little affection goes a long way.

Oh and for the record, Gracie concurs.

two bulldogs on a sofa
“Uh huh, what he said.”


    • The good news Grace, is the photo is deceiving; Boz did that little destructive fluff-up to his own bed which was atop an ottoman, so my sofa was spared. 😉

    • June, I’m feeling a little smug. I have Boz and Gracie thinking zucchini slices are awesome treats. Finally a use for the zucchini onslaught!

  1. I saw a bulldog yesterday at a cafe and smiled as I thought of Boz. No where near as handsome as your little pollinator though.


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