Tag: trees
I Planted a Tree for Someone’s Tomorrow
In the summer, I begin my morning with a walk about the property, coffee cup in hand, bulldog in tow, boots adrip with dew. Daylight does...
Garry Oak: Deep Roots in the Pacific Northwest
True confession: I'm a collector of plants. I can (and do) have a greenhouse of flora, weeds, seeds, bulbs and starts, with nary an inch...
Gobbled Up by Green
Keeping up with the Weedashians...
If I kept a diary, no doubt I would scribe the same words of panic each spring, "Everything is growing...
A Foggy Day in Vashon Town
Fog has been a needy companion this week, hugging our island with a fervent embrace reminiscent of a hapless guest who doesn't understand personal...
Madrona Tree: A Sculpture Grows
Madrona Tree: A Work of Art
The Madrona tree seems more living sculpture than growing tree. Gnarled limbs and twisted trunk frame the sky like arms in pose. ...