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Tag: roses

May Flowers: What’s Blooming in My Garden

May Flowers: Thank You October-Through-April Showers Each month yields its own little surprises in my garden. In May, I welcome visitors in bloom, bough, petal and seedpod, returning...

Best Plants for Pollinators: Tips and Regional Guides

Plants for Pollinators, Info for Gardeners No doubt, I am the largest, most flightless, furless bumblebee around, but a man's got to do what a...

Mother’s Day, and Morning Coffee With Mom

On this very early Sunday morning, I am apparently late to the start of the Mother's Day festivities, at least the ones seen outside my window....

I’ll Take Garden Potpourri for $200, Alex

Rose Pink Flamingo shows off its flower power. I'm a secret fan of Jeopardy. I watch intently when time allows, and blurt out the answers...

War of the Roses: Behind the Scenes

A bent wheelbarrow tells part of the story My projects are aplenty, and it goes without saying some due tasks are less desirable than others....

Listen Up Poppies: Time to Rise and Shine

For most of May my garden flowers languished in bed, hunkered down and hitting the snooze button thanks to an endless month of unseasonably...