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Tag: How to

Broadfork: Shake, Shimmy and Till!

Broadfork: my new best friend in the greenhouse There are gardening tools, and then, there are gardening tools. The Meadow Creature broadfork is definitely the...

How to Make a Better Fruit Fly Trap

 Behold, a fruit fly trap that really works and doesn't require a mechanical engineering degree. With my countertops buckling under the weight of ripe produce,...

How to Prune Raspberries: Instructions, Photos, and a Video

Fallgold raspberry: a sachet of sweet and delectable perfume. Behold, the raspberry, the gold standard by which I judge other berries whether planted in my...
easy and simple way to build a water fountain for your garden

How to Make a Garden Fountain

My fountain built in 2005, algae aged and still running. Garden Fountain: An Earthly Delight What's my sign? (I thought you'd never ask.) As a card-carrying,...

How to Make Ketchup & Blue Ribbon Redemption

As good as it gets: homemade ketchup from homegrown tomatoes via some lessons learned. My culinary redemption is complete. As some of you may recall, my last attempt to...
blackberries freshly picked

How to Build a Better Berry Basket (or Bucket)

A bountiful morning when you have the right tools. Berry (and cherry) picking is serious business; you pick, eat a few, then try to get them...