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Tag: honey

salted peanut honey sundae

Honey of a Dessert – Sweet, Salty and Simple

I'm all about dessert. In fact, anyone who asks me to bring a salad to a potluck misses out on my better efforts. My love...

May Day at My House

May Day, May Day... The sun is rising with a gusto usually reserved for July, and I'm just about to take the last good swig...

Honey Harvest: Gifts of Gold and Wonder

An Unexpected Honey Harvest Last Saturday, on a dreamy afternoon pulled from the canvas of a Maxfield Parrish painting, my friends Sam, Dom, Angie, Lucy...

Confessions of a Reluctant Beekeeper

Bees are magic made visible. From my first barefoot encounter in a clover patch, to the eye-level flybys among the ligustrum, to their temporary confines in a...