Tag: cut flowers
I Grow Dahlias, Dahlias Galore
Let's talk Dahlias! I try not to play favorites with flowers. Sure, a spring peony can unfurl seemingly unmatched, that is until I spot...
Lilies: How to Make Lily Flowers Last Longer
Boz and I share a love of lilies; me for its beauty and perfume; Boz for its vertical nature.
Lilies, Oh Won't You Stay Just...
Daffodils: D is for Deer Proof
Deer proof is a designation that I usually find laughable. I suspect that given the chance, deer would dine on blue tarps and roof shingles. If these beasts...
Trumpet & Oriental Lilies: Perfection in Bloom
Lilies Are the Whole Flower Package: Beauty, Fragrance and Strength
The phrase to gild the lily says it all. Why would anyone attempt to improve or adorn something that...