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Tag: canning

nectarine jam simmering

Nectarine Apricot Ginger Jam: Spicing Things Up!

Tommy's jam kitchen is a jammin' this summer, and with a fresh box of Washington State stone fruit beaming before me (courtesy of my...
lots of lemons

Preserving Lemons: A Sweet Way to Save a Sour Fruit

Preserving lemonsĀ never looked or tasted so good. Last month my friend Myra gave me some Meyer Lemons from her mother's tree in California. I think...
peach sauce dessert

Peach Sauce Sublime: Peaches Simmered in Wine

There's no denying I'm a man who likes to can, fruit especially. This time of year I'm directing a paradeĀ of pots and pans on...
corn relish fresh off the cob

Corn Relish: Too Good Not to Make

Homemade Corn Relish: Sun Rays in a Jar Corn is king in my side-dish kingdom. Chewy, sweet, creamy, golden and flavorful, what's not to like?...
making jam - blueberry plum jam

Lovin’ Spoonful: Blueberry Plum Jam

Blueberry Plum Jam: A Super Summer Flavor Combo Early October is a time of year when my kitchen becomes my garden and orchard's waiting room,...

Cuke Rebuke: Lessons of a Reluctant Pickle Puss

Taking one for the team: a real-life reenactment of what happens when a happy man consumes a bitter pickle. Bitter Cucumbers: What Gives? I may be...
fig and ginger jam

Figs in a Jam… Fig and Ginger Jam

Happy Couple: Fig and Ginger JamFig and ginger jam: too delicious and simple not to make I've had a life of traveling. Some voluntary (Buon...

Pickled Sweet Cherries…Who Would Have Thunk?

I shall take no credit for the inspiration of pickling sweet cherries. My friend Julie brought the possibility to my attention in a Facebook...