Quiche, the perfect culinary vehicle for customization, allows you to tweak the recipe to satisfy your own palate. More onions and bacon, a different cheese, add some artichoke hearts...just keep the milk, cheese and egg ratio standard and you'll be slicing up a mighty fine and truly satisfying breakfast, lunch or dinner option.
Step 1
Add chopped bacon (1/2-inch slices) and minced onions in a saute pan, stirring until bacon is just shy of crispy and the onions are caramelized. Drain off excess fat.
Step 2
In a mixing bowl, add all remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add room temp. bacon and onions to the bowl and stir again to incorporate.
Step 3
Pour complete mixture in a dough-lined pie or tart pan, leaving 1/4" from the top of the pan. Place on a middle rack in a 450 degree F oven for 20 minutes.
Step 4
Reduce heat to 350 degrees F, bake for 30-45 minutes longer. You're looking for the edges of the filling to be firm, and for the slightest jiggle in the middle of the quiche. Remove from oven, let cool a bit before slicing to allow filling to setup.