Butter Makes It Better


A stick of butter and loaf of banana bread later, I think I got my shot (and afternoon snack).

Butter and I go way back, from simple saltines slathered in gold and crowned with concord grape jelly, to Christmas cookies so dairy-rich in butter that I’d dare to sneak a few from Santa’s well-supplied plate. My Grandmother Verna would enjoy her morning Danish with delicate dots of butter bejeweling each bite. She would smile at me when I mirrored her actions at the breakfast table, and say, “butter makes it better.”  Others would chide us for our caloric embellishments, but my grandmother and I knew what we were doing.

Whether apple pie or peach galette: it’s all about the fruit and the butter

 Just recently Darigold folks saw a Thanksgiving apple pie photo I posted where I offered the following tip: don’t scrimp on the butter before adding the top crust. They contacted me and asked if I’d like to share some recipes using Darigold butter (which they would provide).  Hmm, free butter and I get to bake something and write about it? Where do I sign up? Now that I think about it I should have held out for buttermilk, eggnog, sour cream, half and half, and yogurt.

Butter transforms the fruit pie…among other things.

When I received my butter (and thanked my lucky stars), I also received a recipe booklet and an information sheet. It seems Darigold butter is churned in Issaquah, Washington on the largest European vacuum-style churn ever imported to the United States. Built in Cherbourg, France by the Simon Frères Company, the churn can produce up to 50,000 pounds of high quality butter an hour containing less than 1% air. Less air means more butter, better baked goods, higher melting  point, and denser texture. All milk used for the butter comes from Darigold’s farmer-owned and operated dairy farms, and all butter products are rBST-free and subject to strict quality controls.

Alright, now that I’ve got the ten-four on great butter, let’s get to baking.

Stay tuned for my first butter-makes-it-better recipe, and thanks Darigold for the delicious butter!

Related Darigold Links:


  1. Butter–isn’t that one of the four food groups? It is around here…………

    I had to chuckle a few years back when I googled how much butter the average family bought. I came across a thread where most people said they rarely or never (!!!!) bought butter. ???????? Hubby and I go through a pound a week. What dull lives they must lead…….

  2. Real butter does make it better and I will be waiting as well…
    You my friend have been given a sweet deal indeed.but so has
    that dairy!! You make ‘magic’ in that kitchen…Yummy!!

  3. I hope that your cardiologist does not check out your blog. You could be in deep trouble : ). On the other hand, maybe there are no cardiologists on that wonderful island of yours!!!

    • Amy, we have to take a ferry to find a doctor willing to tell us to eat less butter. And then it’s likely we islanders wouldn’t listen anyway. 😉

  4. My husband and I used Country Crock all the time. I thought THAT was butter. Then about a year ago we started changing what we eat and really paying attention to labels and ingredients just so we knew what was going in our mouths. We realized we’d rather have butter made from natural ingredients than all the other ingredients that are in Country Crock. We use it in moderation, of course. I think that’s the key. Butter is not bad.

  5. Butter adds silkiness to fruit pies. I also love butter on a leftover chicken or turkey sandwich, and biting into those little nuggets that don’t manage to spread across the bread evenly.

  6. I wanted to let you know I made your recipe for roasted pumpkin soup (using a winter squash) for thanksgiving and it was wonderul! The leftover soup was even better, and I had several meals out of it! I used to live in Seattle and went as often as I could to Vashon. I live in Santa Fe, NM now and I really miss Vashon, especially after reading your posts and looking at the wonderful photos!

    • Thanks Jeanne, that warms my heart, just like a cup of warm pumpkin soup. 😉 Thanks for taking the time to share your kind words about the soup and Vashon. The island is still here and still pretty down to Earth, so here’s to your next visit.

  7. I think you have found your true calling, Tom, being sponsored by Darigold and publishing recipes. You are famous, you know, for your cooking skills. and i appreciate learning about Darigold too, and will start using it. See, their new ad campaign is working already. Thanks.

  8. I recently discovered that the best way to make sure every square of a Belgian waffle is filled with butter is to melt it in a glass measuring cup, and pour it on. Yummy! Yes, butter makes everything better. I always have several pounds in the fridge so I never run out.

  9. I favor Kelly Gold or Tillamook but now I’ll reach for
    Darigold in the butter aisle. Issaquah. Who knew?
    Local cows (rBST free) making local butter. Hope the
    Darigold people know how smart they were to contact
    you. You have loyal fans.


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