My madrona branch fence flocked in winter white
Snow is a welcomed albeit rare visitor to Vashon. When an arctic blast ushers in a snowy blanket and enveloping hush, the island is transformed, as if the snowflakes absorb both sound and the presence of haste.
The roads are empty, the chimneys reveal the warmth within and the distant chuckles of children at play suggest all is right with the world.
The holly dons its holiday finery, the cabin oozes cozy, the fountain fights the freeze and the front porch bullies in snow-capped capes welcome guests at any hour.
So let it snow, let it snow, for the magic of winter melts all too quickly on these island shores.
We totally got you beat for accumulation up here near belfair; but I know how you feel – snow just in time for a holiday; its wonderful!
Dominic, how much snow did you get?
Your madrone fence is gorgeous!
I guess it is not to early for snow on Vashon. You and the bulldogs stay warm.
The madrona fence is brilliant…even more so in the snow.
I know how you feel, for all the worrying people around here (in Portland) do about snow, it’s such a rare and fleeting occurance, I don’t know why they don’t just enjoy it. There is something so magical and otherworldly about a city that has ground to a halt and is quiet for once, covered in a layer of white…I love it!
With the dusting of snow your fence looks as if it belongs in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
What a stunning fence! Are you sure it’s all madrona branches? No peach tree branches hidden in there? 🙂
Tom my love, only you could make SNOW look beautiful! Happy, happy thanksgiving dear friend. I’ll be counting your friendship, and you, among my blessings. Love and miss you.
I know the feeling well of having snow for only a couple of days in the year – though when it snows in Dallas, it’s not nearly that beautiful – those are great photos!
Beautiful photo’s Tom, as always. It’s perfect soup and pie weather!
Stunning photos as usual, but where are the dogs?
these photos got me dreamin’
i wish we had snow in Dallas more often
this work is art
That fence is exquisite. When I heard it was snowing in Seattle, I wondered about you and the dogs on Vashon. So wonderful to know you’re tucked away cozy with such beauty at your doorstep. Happy Thanksgiving from your friends in Maine, dear Tom.
How did the pups do with the snow storm, Tom?
Love the peaceful beauty you’ve captured in your images. Makes me realize how blessed we are in many ways. Thannksgiving time is here!
I tagged you @ my latest post with 10 culinary questions!!
Come over & check them out!!
What a beautiful scenery outside your house,..already snow!! So soon! Enjoy the snow!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear Tom!
Tom… the photos are breathtaking. That branch fence is amazing; just beautiful! How lovely it must be to look out your windows. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
This cold morning, I decide to have Steel cut oats for breakfast and you came to my mind since reading your post about them made me like them so much.
Great pictures of the snow and cabin.
Hi Tom – I stumbled on your site while looking for aromatnaya quince (to go with figs & lemons & limes & blueberries) – and loved your photos and the place…I don’t suppose you’d want to trade a bit of NW summer for warm/hot coastal sunshine any season in Savannah, GA? We’re in a historic area called Isle of Hope, 15 min from the downtown historic district and an easy/pretty bike ride to the river & our community dock for swimming, kayaking, crabbing/etc. If interested, email for more details…