Santa Claus Melon Is Coming to Town


sliced Santa Claus melon

By summer’s end, I’ve eaten a truckload’s worth of melons. When in season, cantaloupes, watermelons, Charentais, Crenshaw and Casabas are dreamy big geodes of flavor that I can’t resist. Sure, I grow my own melons, but in a Maritime Northwest climate it’s the gardening equivalent of Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football.  I’m Charlie Brown, the climate is Lucy and a ripe melon, my elusive football.   I continue to plant melon seeds and the climate continues to prove me a cockeyed optimist (or unteachable fool as the case may be).  My melon fix comes from the farmers of Eastern Washington, a place where the sun likes to vacation.

melon slices of Santa Claus Melon

After a recent trip to Yakima, I discovered the best tasting melon I’ve ever eaten, aforementioned varieties included.  Aptly named Santa Claus, this melon offers up many gifts: great flavor, succulent texture, hefty size and an impressive shelf life.  If you’ve never tried one, now’s the time as they’re in season. Expect a sugary sweetness that rivals the best watermelon, a creamy texture suggestive of the ripest honeydew and a flavor that can’t be described without a little swooning in the recap.

PS–And for the record, I did manage to grow some watermelons once upon a time. Here’s the proof.


  1. Anupa, it may grow here, but if planted in a hoop house, which brings up the temp. like an incubator.

    Linda, no they really don’t, more sugary and creamy in texture and more in line with a really rich honeydew.

  2. I don’t believe it! You’re a male version of me! I knew you were out there! I love your blog and beautiful photography! I’ve been called a mad scientist and you could be on my team! I will have to send you some seeds for my heirloom peaches-although I am not sure they would grow as far north as you are!

  3. Patty, after checking out your site, I’d have to say that’s a compliment with a capital “C.” I would love to try growing some of those peach seeds. Thanks!

  4. I have to take a field trip to Yakima soon. It’s worth the drive just to stock up on produce, and something tells me Santa Claus is a myth at the local Top Foods.

  5. Tom did you try and grow watermelon this year? I have 1 blacktail mountaina and 2 moons and starts out there, each with a melon on the vine yet. I’m askeered to cut them open. The corn is finally big enough but starchy so I’m guessing the watermelons are a bust too. Crummy summer.

  6. Renae, I do believe I will try pickled peaches. Seems like a great condiment for winter stews. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    And Annette, my garden was a bust this summer, worst ever in my many years of growing. No melons, lame corn, billard ball sized squash…and the list goes on.

  7. Hey, Tom, I’ve read about this melon, in the places where they do grow (not here either) they also store well, which is one of the reason for the name … can’t recall if it was a garden book or a seed catalog, but the idea appealed to me so it stuck


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