Buddy the bulldog, my favorite sidekick and huggable fur-ball was elected Unofficial Mayor of Vashon Island for the 2022 Strawberry Festival. Buddy rested up after the car parade and a grueling, albeit thoroughly enjoyable, weekend of hitting the pavement, pressing paws, and feeling the support of his beloved community. Running as the Vashon Island Pet Protectors (VIPP) candidate, Buddy shared stories and brought to light how this wonderful organization helps pets and pet owners on Vashon Island, from providing pet food subsidies and forever-home placement for rescued animals, to facilitating searches for lost dogs and cats.

Buddy’s Big Thank You
Buddy and I would like to thank everyone who supported his campaign from butt rubs (Buddy’s) to kind words, and to charitable VIPP donations. We both marveled at the warmth and joy of our community, all from the passenger seat of a dreamy Porsche parade car. (Hopefully, good sport and vehicle owner Peter will be able to remove dog hair and dander without use of industrial solvents and commercial vacuums.)
Strawberry Festival Parade Photos
Take a look at our spirited hometown parade: https://seattlerefined.com/lifestyle/photos-sweet-return-of-the-vashon-island-strawberry-festival-2022
After the Campaign…

Thank You All for Your Support
Check out Buddy’s kind-hearted friends at Vashon Island Pet Protectors: www.vipp.org

Congratulations Mayor Buddy. I knew you would win paws down. Your enthusiasm is amazing. lol. What a wonderful organization you have on Vashon Island.
Tom I always look forward to your posts. You have an amazing life on Vashon Island. Enjoy!
Teddi sends his congrats to Buddy. He tried to send him a bone for a congratulation gift, but the Post Office rejected it because it was not wrapped properly. Apparently, you cannot just drop a bone in the mailbox and expect it to be delivered. I have tried to explain this to him, but he said, ” oh well his loss my gain.” He then quickly buried it. Sorry Buddy. However, I am sure your Dad keeps you well supplied. It is the thought that counts.
Tom looking forward to your next adventure for you and Buddy.
Your friend Janet and Teddi says arf, arf
Janet indeed it is the thought the counts and Buddy is quite touched by the gesture and then he remarked I need to extend the gesture and find him a bone. Cheeky little mayor that he is, I see. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.
Thank you for always lifting spirits by writing such heart-warming thoughts in your blog. Buddy must have slept for two days after such an exciting weekend for him. A well deserved honor for both Buddy and his person- YOU. Hope to see you soon.
Thank you Barb! Yes, Buddy was really energized for his campaign, but by Monday, the paws, the pooch, the pizzazz were all resting in the sun on the porch for some long long naps.
Congratulations Buddy! With your natural talents and A-1 Campaign Manager, the sky’s the limit. Olympia next, then DC. Keep Cool, Bulldogs Rule!
Thank you Roy! Buddy tells me Olympia has a nice ring to it. DC he’s not so sure. 😉
Congratulations Buddy.
Thank you Jackie, much appreciated.
All PAWS up for Mayor Buddy!!! Congratulations from the East Coast…. Albert & I are sooooooooooo proud that you’ve taken on this awesome responsibility, Buddy. Does Dad know that your hectic schedule will require some very early morning meetings, etc.?????? Means the coffee beans need to be ground the night before…. OR frequent stops at the local Cafe before you meet with your constituents. Anyway we look at it, Vashon Island is a better place because of you. Thanks for taking this stand to help your Furry Friends in need!!!
Thank you for the kind and supportive words Pam! Buddy is over the moon and setting his agenda. First pressing business: feed him (his words not mine). 😉
I am thrilled to hear this and see the pics! What a great”support human” you are for Buddy in his public role.
Thanks Debbie, Buddy loves and insists on my role as his support human and man servant. He wouldn’t have it any other way. 😉
Mayor Buddy,
Big barking thank you to you Tad!
Congratulations to Buddy, and great to see him wallowing in victory. I have to say, the expressioin on that boy’s face is priceless. I think he still has some hesitant followers to win over 🙂
Thanks Perri, Buddy is willing to put in extra hours to win them over.
Congrats Mayor Buddy! Vashon is lucky to have you both serving!
Thank you Mary Margaret, Buddy promises to veto any plans to build a bridge to Vashon. 😉
What a lovely event for the island and a great community builder! Your posts have brought me much pleasure here in the desert of New Mexico and I thank you for sharing your talent for writing, your lovely restorations to your beautiful home and the wonderful recipes that use the many tasty rewards from your garden! I wish you and Buddy many happy days together in what appears to be close to paradise!
Thank you Alice, your kind words are the cherry on the Sundae.
Hello Buddy and Tom,
We knew you would win. What other choice did they have??? You will go down in history as the most honourable MAYOR!
We are sending all our love,
The Furry Delaney Family ( Abbey, Oscar and Joy)
PS: Viv xoxo
Buddy is so delighted to read your kind words, and he sends his love as well. He’s currently in front of a fan, trying to stay cool.