Bulldog Buddy for Mayor

bulldog buddy Vashon Mayor

Buddy (my bulldog) rarely talks politics, but he’s making an exception as he tosses his collar in the ring to run for Vashon’s Unofficial Mayor during our upcoming Strawberry Festival. What’s his party affiliation? That would be Vashon Island Pet Protectors (VIPP)! Near-and-dear to Buddy’s heart, this non-profit works tirelessly for the welfare of the island’s animals.

VIPP’s Mission Statement

Vashon Island Pet Protectors, established in 1984, works each day to improve the quality of life for companion animals on Vashon Island. Affectionately known Island wide as ‘VIPP,” Vashon Island Pet Protectors is a no-kill and non-profit 501c3 animal rescue organization run by compassionate and animal loving volunteers. In so many ways, VIPP offers the best possible resource for people and animals to make a connection on Vashon Island.

VIPP provides shelter, food and medical care to lost, abandoned and/or relinquished dogs and cats who are waiting for loving and forever new homes. VIPP is a no-kill organization. No dog or cat has ever been euthanized except on the recommendation of a veterinarian to spare it suffering. Our foster families and volunteers have made this enviable record possible.

Vote Early, Vote Often

Every dollar you donate counts as a vote, e.g. $10 = 10 votes; and the proceeds go to VIPP as a fundraising platform for the charity. The dog with the most votes wins the coveted title of Unofficial Vashon Mayor. Don’t tell Buddy, but he really believes he’s always been the unofficial mayor of Vashon Island, and that neither term limits nor elections apply to him. Voting ends Saturday July 16, 2022 at noon. The winner will be announced that evening.

bulldog buddy on the table
Buddy likes to see his constituents eye to eye…even if from the kitchen table.

How to Vote

Online: Just go to www.vipp.org, and the online donation form is front and center right below Buddy’s statesman-like mug.

Local Voting Boxes at the following locations:

Thanks for donating to Buddy’s campaign where proceeds go to Vashon Island Pet Protectors.

Buddy getting ready to walk the campaign trail.


  1. Buddy’s got my vote! I can’t think of a better ambassador for animal friends in need.

    Thanks to VIPP for all they do. Another group near and dear to my heart.

    Good luck!

  2. Tell Buddy, here in Framlingham Suffolk, England we believe Buddy should win as we know a winner when we see one, so we lobbed in 20 bucks to help him along his way. Hope he wins!
    Wendy & Tom

    • Thank you Wendy and Tom, how generous and most appreciated. Buddy’s good looks and temperament are deeply rooted to your beautiful homeland. Thank you!

  3. Hey, Tom!

    Please let Buddy know that Albert voiced his opinion (wagging tail) earlier this morning & demanded that we send 25 votes his way. Best wishes for a successful campaign, dear friend! We’re counting on you to win…. ALL PAWS UP!!!!!

    Pam (Your Bethel High School Classmate)

      • Wellllllllllll…. It’s Monday, July 18th. We’re sitting here on the East Coast, twiddling our thumbs & wondering how the election went. Did our prestigious Candidate win????

        • Spoiler Alert! Buddy is now the unofficial Mayor of Vashon! Thanks Pam for asking! I’ll share pics shortly. Big weekend for the big dog.

  4. Buddy is the right pup!!! It’s wonderful seeing both of your mugs above. Lots of love and wishing you a win Buddy!!

  5. I just sent in 20 votes cuz I believe in you, Buddy! You’d make a great mayor for Vashon! ❤️
    –Linda, VHS ’69

  6. Hi again, Tom and Buddy,
    I need to explain: my previous message was written a few days ago. It wouldn’t go through cuz I kept messing up on the Captcha thing and didn’t get it right until just now.
    So, of course, I’m delighted “our” Buddy won! Congratulations to both of you – and the whole family! He’s going to make such a great mayor. I can hardly wait for photos of Buddy in his official capacity. 🙂


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