Stoop With a View: Good Morning Bluebells

big leaf maple in a sea of bluebells

big leaf maple in a sea of bluebellsBeautiful backyard bluebells

My back stoop covers just about enough space to provide resting and reading room for one husky guy and two beefy bulldogs (given the pups opt to hold court on the lower step). A maple mantled in moss shades our eyes and a feeble rail triumphs as shelving for a cup of cooling coffee and a couple Milk Bones.  The newspaper remains folded as does my interest in reading it. To my left, a sea of bluebells proves a matchless distraction, welcoming spring and fueling my growing smile. Good morning, indeed.


  1. Ahh, one of the many treasures at the Peach Palace. I can almost hear the soundtrack to the moment – Ray Charles “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”


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