Tag: sweet preservation
Nectarine Apricot Ginger Jam: Spicing Things Up!
Tommy's jam kitchen is a jammin' this summer, and with a fresh box of Washington State stone fruit beaming before me (courtesy of my...
Peach Sauce Sublime: Peaches Simmered in Wine
There's no denying I'm a man who likes to can, fruit especially. This time of year I'm directing a parade of pots and pans on...
Lovin’ Spoonful: Blueberry Plum Jam
Blueberry Plum Jam: A Super Summer Flavor Combo
Early October is a time of year when my kitchen becomes my garden and orchard's waiting room,...
Plums in a Jar: Spicy, Spirited Keepers!
I'm a man who's a fan of things to can, a preserve practitioner ready to bottle up summer sweet things at a moment's notice...
Chutney Love: Recipe for Preserving Summer
Whether praising peaches, exalting raspberries or ogling apricots, I'd have to say I gush over seasonal fruit. What I don't grow well (and that's a big category...