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Tag: preserves

nectarine jam simmering

Nectarine Apricot Ginger Jam: Spicing Things Up!

Tommy's jam kitchen is a jammin' this summer, and with a fresh box of Washington State stone fruit beaming before me (courtesy of my...
quince marmalade jam

Quince Marmalade Is a Gem of a Jam

Quince (Cydonia oblonga) are the unsung stars of my autumn larder, each resting like an artful still life awaiting a transformative trip to the kitchen. The beefy little orbs...

Making Jam: How to Tell When Jam Is Set

Making jam is simply heating fruit, sugar, lime or lemon juice, and a bit of time and patience to the mix.Making jam: A simple "spoon...
making jam - blueberry plum jam

Lovin’ Spoonful: Blueberry Plum Jam

Blueberry Plum Jam: A Super Summer Flavor Combo Early October is a time of year when my kitchen becomes my garden and orchard's waiting room,...
fig and ginger jam

Figs in a Jam… Fig and Ginger Jam

Happy Couple: Fig and Ginger JamFig and ginger jam: too delicious and simple not to make I've had a life of traveling. Some voluntary (Buon...
canning sugar syrup

Plums in a Jar: Spicy, Spirited Keepers!

I'm a man who's a fan of things to can, a preserve practitioner ready to bottle up summer sweet things at a moment's notice...