A Front Porch Fourth of July


bunting on the front porch Vashon Island
The Fourth of July crept in this morning under a layer of clouds thin enough to be dismissed by an eager sunrise. While the island still sleeps, I’m up with a British expat who needed to be let outside, but Boz assures me there are no hard feelings on this Independence Day.

Happy Fourth of July my friends!  Here’s to embracing our differences and the freedoms we often take for granted.


  1. Is that an Orchid Cactus? Foliage almost looks too dark. Beautiful!

    On a ‘Kale’ note, I took your advice and planted all three varieties. Unfortunately, I planted the rows too close together. The Blue Curl one took over. Do enjoy it with various (homemade) citrus dressings. Haven’t tried it stir fried yet. Glad you mentioned this veggie.

    • Hi Carol, It is an orchid cactus, Epiphyllum ‘Red’ I believe. I keep it outside in the summer, inside in the winter. Glad to hear you liked the kale!


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