Pizza Pizza: Helping Karen Kickstart Her Dream


Karen and some stylin’ chicks

Dreams, like pizza, come in all shapes and sizes; some are spicy, others mild, some large, others bite-size. My dear friend Karen Biondo has a delicious dream, to go mobile with her pizza oven and bring pie to the people. And considering her wood-fired pizza oven weighs over two tons, and King County never met a health and safety regulation it didn’t like, Karen needs to build a formidable pizza chariot.

bulldog pizza

Pizza loving pooch: Boz begging for a slice of Karen’s pizza

As a farmer, cook, and friend, I know of no finer. I would say without reservation she is the hardest working woman on Vashon, work that for her is joy, joy in growing, nurturing, and cultivating food, friends and community.

Karen has a plan and is seeking funding through her Kickstarter page.

Take a look at her project and consider helping someone who rarely seeks help.

Where goat cheese comes from.

Mama Maybelle and Dottie: Good-standing members of the mozzarella cheese-makers union.

tom and dottie the kid

Tom and Dottie the Kid: Maybelle nudges, “gentle, gentle.”

homemade pizza La Biondo Farm

I raise my slice to you, Karen; here’s to a delicious dream soon to be realized.

Stay posted for availability at the Vashon Farmers Market


  1. If you say she is the beez-kneez, then she izz. I’ve kicked in. Besides, who would not want to do all one could for someone who clothes their chicks? While I cannot partake in the amazing Karen’s pies, I can dream.

  2. What a lovely post & it is so good of you that you spread the word about this lovely woman & her dream!

    Too bad that she lives so far from me! Those pizza’s would have been to die for, I say!!! 😉


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