Just the Moon, Mount Rainier and Me


Departing from the south end of the island, the less-traveled Vashon-Tacoma ferry between Tahlequah and Point Defiance is a step back in time and a welcomed respite. The M/V Rhododendron chugs across the south sound with the charm of a child’s vintage pull toy. Heading home after a fine time at a friend’s open house, I took the pole position on the car deck of my favorite ferry, the aforementioned Rhododendron (which unfortunately is to be decommissioned soon). Exposed and just inches about the water, my trusty, rusty beater was elevated to king-of-the-world status on the vessel’s bow.

The 15-minute movie that is the crossing is best experienced in 3-D, outside and in the elements. I bundled up, grabbed my camera and braced for the chill of a maritime breeze. The moon welcomed my arrival, Mount Rainier bid adieu after tucking itself in under a glow of pink, and the warmth of a day sustained me. Other drivers and passengers safe in their sealed cocoons, leaned downward, focusing on the duties inherent in a portable handheld device. I was tempted to tap on a couple windows and point to sky, for when beauty is parked right outside your window, it’s only polite to look up.


  1. Amen! We take that route with our daughter just for the sheer enjoyment of it at least once a year. The ferry is so rustic, yet so quaint. Maybe those insane enough to stay “connected” while on such a mesmerising excursion should be denied access to the boat–or charged double rate. 🙂 Can you imagine a trip over, surrounded only by people who were there to marvel in the beauty of it?

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

  2. Thanks for sharing, beautiful! I too feel sorry for folks that don’t notice what’s right in front of them. Our captains sometimes get on the loudspeaker and point things out. Even when I was commuting, I never stopped watching the always changing scenery.

  3. Ditto on all of the above…from the sunshine state (which I love to wake up to each morning), your words and pics always tempt me to “go west young woman”! But then I remember January – May…maybe I’ll split the year between the state of the sun and the state of the moon! <3

  4. I always look forward to your posts – so eloquent with words and photos! I have given you the Versatile Blogger Award in my latest post. I hope my blog readers enjoy your blog as much as I do.

  5. Tom, these are some of the most spectacular photos I’ve ever seen and, as you and I discussed at the above mentioned Open House, the view of Mt. Rainier on the ferry from Tacoma to Vashon is simply the best. Seems I actually was lucky enough to meet the Christmas Spirit at that Open House and it’s you.! Thank you for sharing your extraordinary gift of writing with us.


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