My Heart Belongs to Buddy

Buddy surveying the orchard and my activities in the garden.
Buddy surveying the orchard and my activities in the garden.

Buddy the Bulldog: Life Lessons from a Loyal Friend

Buddy: A sweet drawing by my pal Michelle Lassaline

As I grow, grow up, and grow older, life-lessons befall me with greater clarity, understanding, timeliness, and (hopefully) acceptance. Much of the drama of youth is displaced by the quiet realization of knowing what I can change and what I cannot, though loss is never a lesson I wish to learn over again and again. Accepting the loss of my beloved bulldog Buddy has yet to be realized. I still sense him at the foot of my bed or hear his bark on the other side of the back door. I still expect to see his wiggly butt and impromptu tap dance anytime I return home.

At twelve years old, Buddy enjoyed a good life. He was the heartbeat of the farm, the front-porch pontiff, the cuddly claim-jumper, and the most noble of nappers. I could not have loved him more. He loved me too, and trusted me as his personal chef and on-demand valet. As Buddy got older, he solidified his self-appointed role as the boss of me, only eating his preferred treats, sitting on my feet when he wanted something, barking if I missed dinner times by mere milliseconds, and whining to go upstairs when he deemed it bedtime. His internal clock had no use for Daylight Savings time. His schedule was set by DNA. He would exit out the front door for his daily “business trips” only to insist on re-entering through the back porch door. I have no doubt he’d still be positioned at that door had I not opened it.

Bulldog in a truck
Mayor Buddy riding high in Strawberry Festival Car Parade.

As Buddy got older, he required help up the stairs. I called it Buddy’s butt lift. I would lean into stairs like a tripod, feet on lower stairs while my right arm rested two steps above for stability and support. My left hand would cup Buddy’s butt, which I would lift like a lever every time he climbed a step with his front legs. My arm curl workout was aided by a trail of dog treats on every other step which helped move things along. If you’re thinking why didn’t he just sleep downstairs, I can assure you, I tried to persuade him of this easier approach, but he wasn’t having it. Upstairs under a Hudson Bay Blanket at the foot of my bed was his place.

Friend Eileen Troxel captured Buddy beautifully.

Buddy: Mayor for the People and the Pets

Buddy was Vashon’s Unofficial Mayor two years ago, running as the candidate for non-profit Vashon Island Pet Protectors. His year in “office” was a wonderful string of meet-and-greets and being a part of community events. People we so kind and caring toward him, and to island kids, he held rock-star status. Buddy also started the Thank You Vashon Facebook page, where folks could thank others in the community for thoughtful gestures or supportive, generous acts. He had a big heart.

Lola Michelin, Founder of NWSAM, working wonders on Buddy while teaching about the health benefits of animal massage.

Buddy also delighted in the best gig on the island: demo dog (uh, I mean model) for The Northwest School of Massage, where they treated him like a king. After being massaged for demonstration purposes for two hours, Buddy would return home as you’d expect: blissed out and ready for a well-deserved nap.

Buddy in a print by artist friend Lynanne Raven

Tom’s Covid Art Project: Buddy as My Muse

During the pandemic, Buddy and I embarked on a playful re-imagining of famous works of art. At first, Buddy was a reluctant model. But with a little coaxing and a lot of treats, he rose to the occasion to make art (and me laugh), all while cooped up at the farm for weeks on end. Here’s a sampling below:

Thank You Friends of Buddy

On behalf of Buddy, thank you for all the love, well-wishes, butt-rubs, head-pats and faraway swoons. Buddy brought out the best in people. He was kind, loving and chill. And he even forgave the discourteous onlookers who felt the need to share, “that’s a only face a mother could love.” Buddy just ignored their limited view of beauty; Buddy loved everyone. To paraphrase Will Rogers, he never met a person he didn’t like. And perhaps that is his greatest legacy: unconditional love. I’ll miss you Buddy, but you’ll always be in my heart.

Buddy as drawn and printed by our friend Deborah Taylor
Good night my sweet prince.


  1. Awwwww Buddy-my heart goes out to you Tom. Anyone who has lost a beloved pet member of the family is feeling your pain right now.
    Buddy-we will miss your antics on this blog-RIP little guy

  2. Oh this breaks my heart for you Tom. I a feeling your pain today. It makes me cry. Solo is I believe similar in age to Buddy. I know the time is coming for us as well. You think of your best pal as that forever. My thoughts are with you. Big hug til I I can give it in person.

  3. Hey, Tom. I absolutely loved this. Your description of your live for Buddy and his for you is a perfect example of why we started Haven. As a childless cat lady (by choice), the love I have had for and from my dogs literally filled my heart with- sometimes to the point I thought it would burst. You and Buddy were so lucky to have each other. And let me tell you something: seeing you together brought smiles wherever you went. Perhaps your piece will encourage others to consider the fact that having a dog isn’t simply a responsibility. It’s truly a gift and an honor. Hope to see you soon, Lisa. https//

  4. Ah… trying to write this through tears. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our four-legged friends give us so much, and then our hearts are broken. Still, who would choose to live without them? Take care, Tom, and adios for now… and adios to Buddy.

  5. Oh Buddy, you leave a trail of broken hearts behind, in people far distant from your actual physical presence. So sorry to hear of your loss, Tom, but Buddy has brought smiles to so many of us through the years, and aren’t you lucky to have wonderful art (of all kinds!) to keep him clearly in mind. Hugs to you.

  6. Dearest Tom,

    Although we’re hundreds of miles across the country, I’m sure you can feel my heart breaking. I thought of Buddy & you recently… and a gentle smile came into my ♥️. Our Furrrr Babies have deemed themselves as our best friends; more so, our lifeline. Albert is 11 now, and has been on heart medication for a few years now. I pray for more time with him… but know that God has a special Angelic mission for our babies when they cross the Rainbow Bridge. The one thing that keeps me sane is knowing that I will have all my pets greet me when my time comes. All in all, God is so good! He gave you Buddy, Gracie, Boz, etc., because He knows that you can be trusted to love them with all your heart & soul.


    Love & Peace to you always,

  7. Dearest Tom,

    Although we’re hundreds of miles across the country, I’m sure you can feel my heart breaking. I thought of Buddy & you recently… and a gentle smile came into my ♥️. Our Furrrr Babies have deemed themselves as our best friends; more so, our lifeline. Albert is 11 now, and has been on heart medication for a few years now. I pray for more time with him… but know that God has a special Angelic mission for our babies when they cross the Rainbow Bridge. The one thing that keeps me sane is knowing that I will have all my pets greet me when my time comes. All in all, God is so good! He gave you Buddy, Gracie, Boz, etc., because He knows that you can be trusted to love them with all your heart & soul.


    Love & Peace to you always,

  8. Oh Tom,
    I am so sorry to hear of “our” dear Buddy’s passing. He was an amazing ambassador of the Tall Clover Farm & Vashon. We will all miss him terribly. Your heart must be broken. As I read this propped up in my bed with 2 dogs helping me recuperate one snores loudly while the 17 year old old Scottie quietly licks what is left on my Haagen Das stick that I am offering. Sending you comfort and Mocha ice cream dog kisses.

  9. What a lovely, heartfelt tribute to your best bud Buddy. He was definitely the people’s dog showing others what unconditional love was all about. Rest in peace Buddy, your legacy of love lives on.

  10. We loved Buddy so much! It’s impossible to imagine your front porch without him sitting with you there. You have our heart felt condolences. John & Kat

  11. Tom, I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. I remember first meeting him when you came to visit at Quartermaster Press, and then seeing him on your farm many times after. I loved following his antics on Facebook after I moved off island, and as his personality was bigger than him, his memory will live on in your heart and those that knew him. Take comfort in your memories Tom. 😌🙏❤️

  12. Saying goodbye is such a terrible thing. I’m so sorry for the loss of your Buddy! He was oozing with charm and such a character loved by so many. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  13. What a beautiful remembrance of wonderful Buddy. My heart goes out to you, Tom. This is the hard part of the bargain we make when we love a pet. May your happy memories continue to bring you consolation.

  14. oh Tom, I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute to your best pal. Sending you love as you grieve and remember. The photos and your words fill my heart with sorrow. He will be missed by many 💔

  15. One of Buddy’s many lovely qualities was that he made you feel singularly befriended. I will never forget, Tom, when, much to your mortification he demonstrated his affection for the wool knee socks I was wearing. Buddy was a dog among dogs and it’s one of life greatest cruelties that we outlive them.

  16. Oh my Buddy! What a perfect companion and friend you were for Tom. I remember the day Dale and I met both of you. Those milk bone treats I brought were expected by the smirk on your face. Oh, how I wish I could have brought something more special. You have been a highlight in my life. Love you, Buddy. Only wish you and Tom could have grown much older together. Much love to you, Tom. Dale and Susan Sevig

  17. Tom – I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. I will never forget wading through the strawberry festival crowd with you and Buddy when he ran for mayor. He was friendly and gracious to everyone and posed for many selfies with kids who were thrilled to meet him (“look! There’s Buddy!!”)
    Thinking of you and thanks for the beautiful tribute.

  18. Sending love and peace, Tom.
    Buddy made the world a better place and the two of you brightened every space you entered. What a life you shared. I especially love the art projects he participated in.
    May he join Porter and Cedar for a roll in sweet grass.

  19. Tom, I’m so sorry to read that Buddy is no longer there with you. With all of his admirers. As mayor of Vashon, he exemplified the island laidback lifestyle, you shared him with the rest of us. Thank you.

  20. That was the best obituary I have ever laid eyes on. Thanks so much for sharing Tom. We are so lucky to have you living on our island and what a wonderful life Buddy had!🐶. We love you!😍 😘🥰🐶

  21. A very touching eulogy, Tom. Thanks very much for sharing. You created a heckuva fine life for each other! Good dog, Buddy. Well done.

  22. I am so sorry, Tom. I loved Buddy very much, and will miss his warm and generous welcome waggin’. Such a lucky dog. (Both of you.)

  23. Oh Tom…😞 As a Team Buddy fan, it’s hard to imagine your sweet waggly sidekick gone away. Sending Buddy shaped hugs to your 🧡.
    Thank you for sharing your sweet sweet boy with Vashon.

  24. Tom, I’m so sorry for your loss… What a beautiful tribute to Buddy! He was definitely a rock star. Seeing the two of you together never failed to bring a smile. He will be missed by many…

  25. So sorry Tom. Buddy the loyal friend and dog, was a centerpeice at Tallclover farm; always enjoyed his mannerisms like he was talking to you. He will be missed . He is a on couch or waiting at the door for you in the next chapter. Rolf

  26. I’ve followed your blog quietly for many years, always for the beautiful pictures of Buddy. I mourn alongside you, far away. Thank you for sharing him.


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