Home About In Tall Clover: My Little Local Radio Show

In Tall Clover: My Little Local Radio Show

In Tall Clover: My Little Local Radio Show

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New Flash! I have my own radio show, called “In Tall Clover,” airing on the KVSH Voice of Vashon (VOV) at 101.9 FM locally.

An extension of my blog, with an infusion of local talk, happenings, a few songs and a couple characters, “In Tall Clover” is my first foray into radio. (Delilah Rene and Ryan Seacrest have nothing to worry about). I share some stories, gardening and cooking tips, a recipe or two, and pop in a couple of my favorite songs between ramblings. I’m learning as I go, and like most things, it’s not as easy as I thought it would be. Ah, but there are signs of improvement with each new show. 😉

Voice of Vashon (VOV) is the little radio station that could, growing from a wee public am station to a full-tilt FM dynamo enjoying a downtown Vashon storefront as it’s place of operation. Northern Exposure’s K-BHR would be proud.  It’s been quite a learning curve, and a testament to the patience of my helpful engineer and friend, Jim. Thanks Jim! And Jim also has a radio show you should check out, “Sunday Morning With Java.”

If you’d like to listen to shows of mine, just click the following “In Tall Clover” link where I’m going on and on, around the clock and on demand.  😉

“In Tall Clover” with Tom Conway

Buddy is not sleeping. He is listening intently to my radio broadcast.
Buddy is not sleeping. He is listening intently to my radio broadcast.


  1. Hey – good for you! I love the tone of the show – really low key, fun and informative. Wait a minute….just like you! I’m delighted that we can listen to the episodes – I’ll treat myself every Sunday morning. Keep those episodes coming!

  2. What a delightful awaking this morning. Thank you for sharing your espisoids of your new adventure on radio life there on the island. Especially nice for those of us who are a great distance.
    I have your Indian peach seeds in hand and will be mailing them shortly. Funny story, I have had the seeds for several days. The day I received them I was looking for something to mail them in. On my hunt I lost the seeds putting them who knows where for safe keeping. I have had everyone keeping an eye open, we even retracted my steps several times in hopes they would magically appear. No such luck. I had given up and asked if I could have more seeds, and I was given the last 2 seeds of the season. Last night I went to see a local girl who appeared on “The Voice”, Summer Schappell singing for a local nonprofit. Leaving the show I dug into my purse looking for my keys and guess what I found. The 4 seeds, I guess my safe spot was my purse. LOL, of course I put them there because I needed to buy a shipping bag. What better place? The seeds will be on there way today. Now you will have 6. Happy planting.

    • Thanks Betty, you are too good to me: kind words and peach seeds. I am in tall clover. I’m with you on the where-did-I-put-that scenario. I think about twenty percent of my day is spent asking myself, “Now where did I put that?” Warm wishes from the west coast.

  3. Wonderful news that you have taken the opportunity for a new experience in ” Life”.

    Perhaps you can give all the listeners all secrets, history of the Island and how Vachon developed!! I would love to know more about this delightful place.

    Buddy looks so intense and may be giving gratitude to having entered into such a wonderful personal space. On the other hand he may be thinking of his own future career. Life is grand!

    The Furry Gang and V are delighted with your new adventure but we wonder how you manage all the projects. At the present time, the Gang are all having an afternoon nap after their walk/workout at the local dam.

    The phone just rang and have been invited out to meet a friend for a “veggie burger”.

    Life is an adventure and we must take all the steps we can to ensure we do not stagnate.

    The Furry Gang and V

    V and the Furry Gang

    • Hi V, thanks for the nice note, and big pets to The Furry Gang. As for managing all the projects, you know, I’m kind of all over the map these days, and wonder where the day goes and why I need more naps than usual for long days. In the end, I’m less productive but likely just as happy about the progress, that is as long as there’s some progress. Like I say, “It’s better to do a little bit of somethin’, than a whole lotta nothin’. And I so appreciate your closing line, truth indeed.

  4. The Plum Jam Lady – I’ve been cleaning house and listening to “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and just saw your e-mail. A radio show! How cool! Do you get to “sing into a can”? I can’t imagine that you aren’t familiar with that quote! Good for you and say “Hi” to Buddy from Tess The Wonder Dog (going on five years with our family!).

    • Margaret, now that’s a great soundtrack, and as for singing into a can, nobody can do it like Mr. Clooney. 😉 And Buddy, between snores, says thanks for the “howdy” and best wishes to Tess the Wonder Dog! Now tell me what is this “cleaning house” you talk about?

  5. I’m only five minutes into episode 1 and I ADORE it! You’re doing such a great job. It’s lovely to know that you speaking makes me laugh as much as your writing does.

  6. Tom, I love listening to your show! Listened to the first 3 yesterday while walking around the track. You are a natural! You said you moved to Florida from Alabama. I was wondering where in Alabama and Florida did you live? I grew up in Montgomery but also lived in Panama City, Florida. I really enjoy hearing about Vashon Island life and of course about Buddy. Kelly

  7. Thanks so much for being there for us! On a grumpy, sleepless-night morning I see Tall Clover in my inbox and read it right away. It’s like an instant visit to Vashon and I feel better right away–and then notice it’s a beautiful day right here.

  8. Awesome Tom. I needed something to listen to when I wake during the night, just perfect. Fun that I can listen to you from another hemisphere…. BTW great job on the back steps, clever clogs.


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