Celebrating New Year’s Eve has never been a social long suit of mine. My internal time clock chimes in around 10 o’clock p.m. with “Commence shutdown! Eyelids standing by.” But this New Year’s Eve, I really had something to cheer about, and keep me awake a little longer: a new addition to my family, Buddy.

Just days before New Year’s Eve, I received a call from the Pacific Northwest Bulldog Rescue, where I had an adoption application on file. I was encouraged that they may have a match for me, that is, a bulldog needing a home like mine and a person like me. It’s a lot like online dating; you want all parties to be happy with the end result.

And now that I know Buddy a little better, if I were to pen his dating profile, it would read like this:
Handsome Hunk of Loving Bulldog: I’m a tall drink of water, for a bulldog, and I like long walks on beaches…hiking trails, farmlands and city parks. My friends say I’m quite dapper, sporting a white furry overcoat and fawn-colored britches, all punctuated by a spot the size of Jupiter on my port side. I do kiss on the first date and all subsequent dates, and I have no trouble with butt rubs from friends and strangers alike. Athletically speaking, I’m active—will chase a ball, frisbee or rope, and tug-of-war with the best of them. I have uncanny climbing abilities, especially if a kitchen table is the desired summit. I’m a light sleeper and gentle snorer, barely making the sounds of a wispy fireplace bellow. As for personality, I have some serious animal magnetism. I’m attentive, engaged and secure enough not to chase chickens. And while I like the comfort of home, I find a daily trip in the truck is a fine way to cap the day.
Needless to say, when we met it was love at first sight, and I was giddy and ridiculous and channeling the emotions of a six-year old on Christmas day. I learned a lot from his foster mom, and accepted her well wishes and tote of treats and treasures for Buddy to take to his new home.
Buddy and I are settling in, and I couldn’t be happier with the big lug, and from what I can see, the feeling is mutual. I would like to thank everyone for their kind support and generous words after the loss of Boz and Gracie. I read all your comments, many times over and they meant a lot to me. I didn’t think a bully would be gracing the floorboards of Tall Clover Farm for awhile, but things happened sooner than expected and I always have an open-door policy when it comes to a bulldog buddy in need.

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oh tom…i am so happy for the two of you. i always think that when you are a dog person like you and like we are, bringing a new one home to love is a great thing to do no matter how soon it is after we lose one of our babies. buddy is one very lucky pup! how old is he?
Thanks Jaz, Buddy is three years old.
Congratulations, Tom and Buddy! I am happy and a little sad at the same time. I really had hoped that Bulldog Haven NW could find you a good match, but looks like that didn’t happen. I think Buddy looks like exactly the best dog for you and I’m glad he has come into your life. Please let us know if you want to remove your BHNW application, or if you would like a friend for Buddy. He’s a lucky boy, for sure!
Thank You Charlotte, and also to Bulldog Haven NW. I really appreciate all you did for me in the last few months. I look forward to coming to a Bulldog Meet-up so we and our pooches can be properly introduced . And I’ll let you know soon about the application on file. Again thank you!
Looks like Buddy just won the lottery! So happy for him and that you found a new pup.
Thanks Anne!
I have secretly been hoping this news would come sooner than later. Congratulations…Buddy, you will do just fine with your new friend. Now, on with the stories. I can’t wait.
Thank you Susan. You know, truth be told, at first I thought I’d wait awhile. And then I really felt sadness afoot in the house without a dog around. While I still miss Boz and Gracie dearly, Buddy is a sweet prescription in easing the loss.
Not sure who to be happier for – you or Buddy! Well done.
Oh, Tom, life is short and the addition of a darling guy like Buddy into your life is a sweet gift!!! So lovely to see your smile!
*Former* Neighbor-Kate
(I also have a new dog “love” in my life) Ain’t it grand?
Thanks Kate, can’t wait to meet up with you and your new pooch on the island. Hope to see you soon. The gardening bug has bit early this year.
So happy that you and Buddy are family. While all of us miss Boz and Gracie and their delightful stories. We’re happy to know there will soon be Buddy stories. Thank you for giving Buddy a furever home.
Very happy for you Tom! Happy New Year from Blaine.
Welcome Buddy.
So happy to see you have found a new friend. I was just thinking about you yesterday, and wondering when you would make the move towards getting a new dog. So glad you’ve taken the leap, and I’m looking forward to hearing all about your adventures together.
Congratulations on Buddy–I’m sure you’ll provide the finest life for him.
Happy New Year to you both
Congrats on the new addition to the family! You two make a handsome pair!
Hurray! Couldn’t be happier for you and Buddy!
Lucky you, Lucky Buddy! Your home and heart are too big to not have a Buddy around.
Maybe his name should be Buddhy…to match his ample Buddha-bulldog frame. Good on ya for helping a dog in need. What’s his back story, Tom?
Hi Debi, and thanks for the bully love. Buddy was from Oregon, and when the young family grew and had a toddler and then a new infant, they felt Buddy needed more attention than they could provide. I appreciate them adopting him out to a rescue group that found me as his forever match. He’s a great guy, but I could see how he may overwhelm and tongue-wash a toddler and infant with ease and great frequency.
Lucky you, Lucky Buddy! Your home and heart are too big to not have a Buddy around.
Maybe his name should be Buddhy…to match his ample Buddha-bulldog frame. Good on ya for helping a dog in need. How old is Buddy and what’s his back story, Tom?
I think getting a new dog through a rescue organization is a good way to go. The decision on when to take the plunge is pretty much made for you. Did you adopt Boz and Gracie in the same way?
The two questions I have now are: does Buddy hog the bed and do you know if he can get in a hammock by himself?
Our best to you and your new housemate:-)
Karen, I adopted Boz and Gracie directly from the owners, who as in the case of Buddy, had a growing young family and not enough time and focus for the dogs. As for bed hogs, yes Buddy is a card-carrying mattress splayer, and has the most curious behavior of t-boning me, that is lying across my lower back, in a perpendicular fashion. I’ve been walking around like a hunchback, and trying to change his need to do this. Thanks for the well wishes! Haven’t tried the hammock yet, too wet and it really should be put away. Add that to my to-do list. 😉
Very happy for you and Buddy Tom. Happy wishes for a great new year. Jim
So happy that you and Buddy found each other. Boz and Gracie are very happy for both of you. Happy New Year!
Dear Tom and Buddy…I am a sap for a love story and a sweet ending. I was so sad when you lost Boz and Gracie … loss is the risk we take when we open our hearts, but what is life without love and an open heart? So glad that you found each other. He is a handsome fellow. I love the photo with him peering out the window of the car, looking to a merry future. Happy New Year !
So happy for you and Buddy! I was secretly hoping you would find a new pal for the farm! Wishing you both many happy years together! “All we need is love”💞
glad for you , Tom. Happiest of New Year’s.
Well done Boz and Gracie! ox
Although, your journey together continues and it was time for the both of you to move on what a wonderful friend you have sent to Tom.
Love begets love when one’s heart is open.
The furry family just did a canine jig with lots of licks about this news.
What a Happy New Year delight for all.
V and the furry gang
Couldn’t be happier with your news and Buddy looks like a real sweetheart. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I too can picture Boz & Gracie doing the happy dance. Yeah you!
Congratulations on the new edition to your family. May you have many happy and adventurous years ahead of you together.
“Enjoys long walks on the beach.” Hah! Really is a dating profile. Hopefully true in this case. He’ll get a lot of attention at KVI at very low tide. Lucky dog!
Hooray! Hooray!! You look so content in the pics above. Happy New Year, indeed, and what a lucky dog. 🙂
Awww Tom I am so happy for you and Buddy! I Love this story and what a beautiful way to ring in the New Year for the both of you! 🙂
Hello, Buddy!!! What a charmer! There are many smiles here this morning, Tom, for you and your new sidekick. Such happy days ahead.
Happy New Year Buddy and Tom! It’s gonna be a great one!
So happy for you, Tom! Couldn’t have better news. These wonderful creatures bring such joy to people. What a lucky dog to have such a wonderful home.
Buddy is in some pretty tall clover, lucky dog. Now, we can all exhale – wee doggies!
So glad to read and see the good news. Best wishes to you both for the New Year. Happy to hear that Linda also has a new addition to her family!
Awwwww. That face. What a prince. Lovely news Tom.
Isn’t life wonderful ? I am so pleased for you both.
I am just smiling, ear to ear, while reading this. I am so happy Buddy found you… as soon as he did! The end of this week, I’ll know what it’s like!
Tom, you two make a great match. I look forward to updates on your budding romance!
Best news ever! Congrats! Kelly Simmons
Congrats Tom on the addition of Buddy to your life! Lauren and I were thrilled to read the news AND much enjoyed seeing the pix of you and your lucky dog. We can think of no better way to kick off the new year.
Buddy-what a sweet, sweet boy. He is not stingy with kisses or wiggles. Congrats Tom and Buddy!
Just know that I’m sitting here in LA with tears in my eyes. I’m so happy for you. I do believe it was making Boz and Gracie anxious in the afterlife to see you alone and now there is more peace for them too. Also, it looks like Buddy scored the dog lottery to be sharing your life on Vashon Island! Owen (my pitbull mix) and I wish you both the best of everything!!
I am so very happy for you and for Buddy also!
Whoo-hoo!!! Congratulations to you both.
So happy for you and Buddy! Sounds like a perfect match.
His dating profile is hilarious. He deserves a good home and your home deserves a good bulldog. Wishes for a long, healthy, and wonderful life together!
Buddy looks like a sweetie and a real pal. How wonderful that you found each other! Gracie and Boz are looking down and heaving a sigh of relief – “He’s happy now, we don’t have to worry.” Looking forward to hearing the Buddy Stories, and pics, to come!
Your smile says it all Tom. Congratulations on finding your Buddy. Happy New Year!
I screamed out loud when I saw a new bulldog posing on the Tall Clover web site. Bravo to you for getting back on the leash! I’m so happy for you both. Here’s to a wonderful 2016 together! It really is a happy new year:)
Yippee! I am slow to catch up on blog posts, but just sitting here now, grinning myself silly at the photos of you and Buddy. Loved the photo of Buddy riding shotgun. Both of your faces are all lit up. I am so happy for you both!